Board of Directors consists of 33 members and takes all important operational decisions of EBM. Directors represent different types of media and geographical regions of Europe. Directors are elected for 2 years and can be reelected. President can serve only 2 consecutive 2 year terms
Xavier Bouckaert
Lotta Edling
Gabriele Capolino
Slobodan Sibinčič
Secretary General
Rick Zednik
Deputy Secretary General
Hans-Jacob Bonnier
Honorary President
Pierre Gerckens
Honorary President
Rik De Nolf
Honorary President
Rolandas Barysas
Peter Collins
Peter Fellman
Hakan Güldag
Lorcán Hánlon
Bérénice Lajouanie
Christophe Leclercq
Juha-Petri Loimovuori
Joao Luis de Sousa
Yiannis Thomatos
Andrea Wasmuth